:---Trying to upgrade your style? Tired of wearing the same old clothes that you’ve had for years? As you get older you may find yourself more interested in men’s fashion and have a desire to be a fashionable guy. Developing your own style takes some time and work, but by understanding your body type and current trends, you can easily upgrade your style and be a fashionable.

  •    A great way to start, especially if you don’t know much about men’s fashion, is to read blogs and magazines that are devoted to style, and take tips you like from them.
  • Look at celebrities that you like for style cues. Pick a celebrity you like who has a similar body type as you and see what clothes you already own that look similar.
  • A great way to start is to also simply search “men’s style tips” and see what is currently trending. Then take a look at your current wardrobe and see if you can emulate popular styles.
  • Look at what’s currently in style in terms of colors, patterns, and fit. For example, clothes that offer a slimmer cut and a more tailored fit might be what’s popular.
  • Perhaps you have a lot of clothes that have patterns that are out of style. Compare what’s popular to what you have and separate outdated items from popular items.
  • While taking stock, you may find that you have some older clothes that have come back into style that you can take out of retirement.

  • Part of being fashionable means feeling comfortable in not only your skin, but your clothes. If you have a favorite shirt or sweatshirt, you don’t have to get rid of it just to be fashionable.
  • Keep clothes that make you feel comfortable for now. You may find that when building outfits you can use some of them.

  • Don’t buy into everything you read. People sometimes get very adamant that there is a right and wrong way to be fashionable. While there are trends in fashion, it is largely subjective.
  • These resources are also a great way find looks and clothing items that may fit better into your budget. You may see a jacket or pair of jeans that you really like, but are too expensive. You can use these resources to find similar items at a better price.

  • How clothes fit on you plays a big role into looking fashionable. Just because you love a particular item doesn’t mean it will always fit you correctly, depending on your body type.
  • Depending on your height, weight, and overall body type, certain clothes will fit you better than others.[2]
  • If you’re a bigger guy, avoid horizontal stripes and opt for vertical ones. Vertical stripes will draw the eyes downward and make you look slimmer.
  • If you’re a slimmer guy, you can wear clothes that are tighter fitting and will accentuate a tight waist.
  • In general, being a fashionable teenage boy means wearing clothes that create visual tricks which will make your body look as evenly proportioned as possible. Some people like tighter fitting clothing while others go for a more relaxed fit, but for the most part, you should avoid overly baggy clothes. A more tailored fit will make a huge difference.                                                                         
  • Updating your wardrobe can seem like a daunting task and can easily get expensive, which can be difficult especially if you’re still growing and don’t have a lot of extra money, but you can do a lot with a little.
  • Separate your clothes into two categories: clothes you like and wear, and clothes you don’t wear. Clean out your wardrobe by donating or selling the clothes you don’t wear.
  • Then take a look at your “keep” pile. Note which clothes are fashionable and which ones aren’t. This will help you start to build a base for your updated wardrobe.


  • Your siblings or your friends will be able to give you advice on what works or doesn’t work for you and can help you pick out something that you might not on your own.
  • Create a list of clothing items that you need as staples.[3] For example, you may want to get one pair of jeans you can wear for almost any occasion, a pair of chinos, a casual button down shirt, dress shirt, and a sweater.
  • Your siblings or your friends will be able to give you advice on what works or doesn’t work for you and can help you pick out something that you might not on your own.
  • Create a list of clothing items that you need as staples.[3] For example, you may want to get one pair of jeans you can wear for almost any occasion, a pair of chinos, a casual button down shirt, dress shirt, and a sw


You can figure this out.
You can improve that dress sense of yours.And once things start clicking in your head, it will actually become easy. You just need a bit of guidance at first, so you’re focused on the right things.So I took the most important lessons that I’ve learned over the years and put them into this article.These are the guiding rules that all style rookies should follow.

That doesn’t mean you should discard of all your clothes right away. (I’m fairly sure society frowns upon naked men going clothes shopping.)
But, you should accept that you will eventually get rid of most of your current wardrobe. You will trade it in for one that’s better suited and more refined, even if you still want to keep it casual.Saying goodbye to some of your favorites will be hard, but it must be done in order to make progress.But don’t worry; you’ll get new favorites.You’ll get better favorites that will make you look way more awesome.






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